Sunday, April 25, 2021

JoshCast 503:

This episode features new public freak out commentary and new sober sober commentary at home with no people.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

JoshCast 502:

This episode features new public freak out commentary where a naked man on a bus slaps a cop and gets tazed plus odd news featuring a man shooting him in Walmart trying on pants.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

JoshCast 501:

This episode features new public freak out commentary where a store owner fights a shoplifter and odd news featuring a man who sold lunches his wife packed for him to buy fast food.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

JoshCast 500:

This episode introduces two new guest we get to know Jason Hazelwood and Scott Terry. Hedonist John and Willy Fritz also join the show. Many wacky surprises including cameo's by Rod " Goat " Sperling, Orphan Rosenberg, Capitol Bear Man, Andy Birbeck, and Chris Hansen.Topics include how old do you have to be to be an orphan? Great and bad moments in stand up comedy. The famous N and C word story. Bringing people you know to see you do comedy and hearing their awful comedy advice. Improv comedy and pretending to be each other. Hedonist John's descended ball story and update. My personal sex history and do I have morals?

Sunday, April 4, 2021

JoshCast 499:

This episode features new public freak out commentary where our friend Burger Planet has a meltdown in a bar for being called a ree ree lover. New odd news featuring a man born with three penises. The JoshCast 500 is coming real quick like a premature ejaculator.