Monday, April 28, 2014

JoshCast 92: This Episode Stinks

Nothing but topical news really. If you want to hear about an hour of bad jokes, opinions, and observations for the week of April 21 through April 27 2014 then feel free. Boy I really do know how to sell myself huh? Its your favorite show, that you don't listen to.

To listen to this episode, click the link below!

Monday, April 21, 2014

JoshCast 91:

I get a random voicemail from a jealous husband, topical news, JTTB ep. 4 with Tony Viejo. A prank call to a adult book store and a dedication to the late and great comedy duo, Otto and George.

To listen to this episode, click the link below!

Monday, April 14, 2014

JoshCast 90

Topical news, JTTB ep. 3 W/ Tim Eli and horrible ginny co-host Vince Paul and a prank call about something vulgar, so many can't remember.

To listen to this episode click the link below!

Monday, April 7, 2014

JoshCast 89:

Topical news, Jak-To-The-Biw-Mur Ep. 2 featuring Vince Paul, details about my first one night stand and a prank call about a racist alarm system.

To listen to this episode click the link below!