Friday, November 26, 2010

JoshCast 11

This episode is about job stories from comedians and myself. Interviews from Sarah Morawczynski, Rick Robotin, and Scott Terry. Also cameo appearences from Chris Penta and Jason Hazelwood. Also features a real and entertaining conversation about the crazy night at the Ashburner, will there be nomore Ashburner Open Mic Comedy Night?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Diss Them!

In order to increase my listeners for Joshcast by 5%, I decided to start dissing a comedian every show so they can listen. If they don't listen then obviously the plan will not work but either way I'm probably one of the most hated comedian's in Philadelphia right now anyways. I'm about to diss yall unfunny asses yo!

Friday, November 12, 2010

JoshCast 10

This episode features rants about fun topics, a song about the N word and a prank call about feet, omg this show sucks! some people have been complaining that you can't control the player so you can download it if you want from the link.