Sunday, October 28, 2018

JoshCast 339: Halloween Not So Special

This episode features a classic ransom prank call. New short but sweet public freak out commentary. New Jak N Rod coverage of the Andalusia Bar And Grill Kamikaze Open mic. New live stream audio of a raunchy Halloween Saturday night including sober commentary with drunk people. Topical news, weird news, and some other stuff I don't care to mention.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

JoshCast 338: Another Sick Episode

This episode features a new Home Depot buying illegals prank call. New long extended racist raunchy public freak out commentary. New sober commentary with drunk people the Halloween douchery edition. I'm sick with the flu, topical news, weird news, and I pretend to have a life.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

JoshCast 337:

This episode features a classic racist " raghead " prank call. New short but sweet public freak out commentary. Extended sober commentary with drunk people including more poop stories. Topical news, weird news, and I got too much free time on my hands.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

JoshCast 336:

This episode features a new strip club open mic prank call. New public freak out commentary. New sober commentary with drunk people with another new poop story. Topical news, weird news, and so much stuff that seems like a lot but not really much going on in my life.