Sunday, March 24, 2013

JoshCast 39 Featuring Ray Charles

Hit the road Jack remix. Prank phone call to random people in Hotel rooms. More topical and random jibbering jabbering.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

JoshCast 38: Featuring Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart is very angry that I have been badmouthing his comedy and leaves multiple angry voicemails. Also, a prank phone call about sniffing panties. I finally get a drunken interview late night in olde city. More unfunny topical humor and other gags.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

JC 37: Ft Robotin and Mahon Sr.

This is the longest episode of JoshCast to date! I do some more news and play some video clips. Then I get some coverage from the 1st round of the Surburban March Madness Comedy Competition featuring the ride up to the show and the ride back with Robotin and a little cameo from Mahon Sr. I take some Nyquil and I am very drousy as I attemp to podcast.