Sunday, November 24, 2019

JoshCast 404:

This episode features a new gym hookup prank call. New public freak out commentary and new drunk commentary with no people: the super rainy balls edition. Topical news, weird news, and nothing else.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

JoshCast 403: Another SICKer Episode

This episode starts out with a bad flu but still features a new gym cat prank call. The sickness continues with new public freak out commentary including a new Josh Jak public freak out. New drunk commentary with no people: the frozen big Polish balls edition. Topical news, weird news, and hidden secrets of life.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

JoshCast 402:

This episode features a new Planet Fitness prank call. New public freak out commentary and new sober commentary with drunk people. Topical news, weird news, and the story of a shitty week.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

JoshCast 401:

This episode features a new Noah wrong number prank call. New public freak out commentary including a new freak out that I recorded. New sober commentary with drunk people: the boring daylight savings edition. Topical news, weird news, and that's it.