Sunday, November 26, 2017

JoshCast 279: Dik Cream

This sode features a new crank call to a bar called Dik Cream. New sober commentary with drunk people, new public freak outs, and news about guys jacking off on chicks.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

JoshCast 278:

This episode features a new banger called Selfish. A classic jelly doughnut prank call. New sober commentary with drunk people, new public freak outs, and stuff that happens globally.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

JoshCast 277: Stay Single And Jak Off

This episode features a new big butt hooker prank call where I act like a doggy. New sober commentary with drunk people, new public freak outs, topical news, and other stuff.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

JoshCast 276:

This episode features new public freak out commentary, new sober commentary with drunk people, a classic staple accident prank call, and all the crap in news.