Sunday, April 30, 2017

JoshCast 247: Dragonfly Necrophilia

This episodes features a brand new song called " Twerk Til I " recording in the JoshCast studios. Open mic after hours coverage featuring Bill Miller, Nick Doritos, and many others who don't want to be named. A classic turn your tv down prank call a random black guy named Calvin. New drunk bitter commentary with drunk people in Olde City. Topical news, odd news, and Jakubooey life type news. This is your favorite podcast show.... that you don't listen to.
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Sunday, April 23, 2017

JoshCast 246: Podcast Abortion

This episode features special guest Evil Ed McPopsicle doing filthy topical news. A classic prank call to a Victoria's Secret. New sober commentary with drunk people, topical news, and odd news.
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Sunday, April 16, 2017

JoshCast 245

This episode features a classic prank call to a random black guy named Troy. New public freak out commentary. New sober commentary with drunk people, topical news, and odd news.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

JoshCast 244

This episode features coverage after an open mic featuring new comedian Bill Miller trying out material for Nick Doritos. Cameo's from Jon Rice and Mike Moore. We pay tribute to the loss of a comedy icon Don Rickles. A classic prank call to a Poison Control Operator. New sober commentary with drunk people, topical news, and odd news.



Sunday, April 2, 2017

JoshCast 243: Now Available On Stichter And Itunes

This episode features a new prank call for the first time in years involving a Craigslist Elvis Sign call as a local comic. New raunchy and wild sober commentary with drunk people. Topical news, odd news, and this podcast is now available on Stitcher and ITunes.


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