Tuesday, January 28, 2014

JoshCast 82

The middle of recording this episode goes into hiatus because of some big news in my dumb life. I explain that and a new song featuring D-Train and myself called Dance Floor.

To listen to this episode click the link below!


Monday, January 13, 2014

JoshCast 81: Special Guest: Bryan Leichter

Special guest B-lion and I do some topical news. My open mic review of the new Paddywhacks on South Street Thursday comedy night. And a new club banger called BBW featuring D-train.

To listen to this episode, click the link below.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

JoshCast 80: End of 2013 Special

The last and best episode of 2013 for JC with interviews featuring Darin, Tony V, Principle Weaver, Greg Lynn, Scott Speegle and Chuck Bonner. Also, I finally get a drunk interview in Olde City and you won't believe what ends up happening.

To listen or download, click the link below
