Friday, May 28, 2010
Mickey Mouse Rap
Saturday, May 22, 2010
JoshCast Episode 4
Friday, May 7, 2010
Comedians Who Steal Are Faggots With Aids Shit!!!!!

Boy Carlos Mencia is not going to like this blog but fuck him. I been doing Stand-Up for the past 9 months since August 11,2009 and I got to tell you how often I see a guy rip off another comedians bit. What pisses me off about this is faggy club managers would rather have a hacky comedian who steals as long as he is clean, rather than someone like me who at least does his own material; but may be somewhat dirty. Don't get me wrong, even though I am very opionionated, I know I have many many ways to go from being a great Stand-Up. Last night (May 06, 2010) I go to an open mic night just to support and hang out because I know I'm not going to be able to make on the list before 12:00am; SORRY I TAKE THE FUCKING TRAIN! The host for the show steals a bit from Mitch Fatel, the joke Mitch does about how exciting it is to undress a woman for the first time, WORD FOR WORD! Sure the hack had the nerve to try to change it around and add some stuff, but the fact remains, he should be raped by Mike Tyson with no lube in a snuggie.
As I sat there I realized I am never going to make it in this god damn business because I am just too real. About a few months ago, this other faggot steals a line from Zack Galifinakis; the line about how you know your a drunk if the bartender knows your name and you never been to that bar before. He gets a guess spot at a comedy club I regularly go to, may not be one of the best clubs in philly, but still it just goes to show you. I can understand that sometimes a comedian may have a joke that sounds familar, but this is just absolute stealing without question. While I am working hard taking the train and bus everywhere, writing NEW material every week, recording myself and going BALLS DEEP to improve myself, it probaly isn't going to matter.
Comedy is something I am very passionate about, I been wanting to do this for so long and I know in the beginning it is a horrible process but man what a world of cunts we live in huh? So next time you ever go to a comedy show and see a guy who steals, or a awful female comedian who gave a blowjob to a headliner for a guest spot. Remember why, the club manager's are not comedian's and do not know a fucking thing about Stand-Up, suck my fucking cock you cunts!